Mobile Malware

Article: Common Mobile Malware Types: Cybersecurity 101
By: Neil DuPaul
Date Published: October 2, 2013

      In Neil DuPaul's article, he brought up the topic of mobile malware and what they typically do on the device. Mobile malware has been around since 2004 but has became more prevalent in the news in 2011 when Android platforms were being targeted every few weeks. Typically, the malware can be downloaded from fake apps that are disguised as a legitimate one or spread through web browsers when someone visits a malicious site. Once downloaded onto a mobile device, the malware can have objectives from "spying or keylogging, from text messaging to phishing, [or] from unwanted marketing to outright fraud." So even though the malware is on a different system from what we are used to reading about, the malware does just about the same thing as on a computer.
      One thing that DuPaul points out is that even though all mobile platforms are being targeted nowadays, Google Android users are being targeted at a higher rate than the other platforms. He states that the reason for this is "due to Google's open app development and distribution model." By having a more public face with their technology and programs, they, in turn, make themselves a more common target than other platforms. After going in detail about the different ways each attack affects the systems, DuPaul talks about how to try to protect our phones and the information stored on them. Some of the best ways he believes to protect ourselves is by only downloading applications "from official app stores like Apple's App Store or Google Play" or to do some research on any third party before downloading anything from them. Along with that, users should rethink allowing applications to access certain areas of our phones. Often apps will ask for "permission" to access areas of our phones, and users need stay vigilant and watch out to make sure systems are not asking for permission to reach areas they do not need to be accessing.
      I found this article really interesting because before this I never really knew what malware on a phone looked like. I figured it was similar however, since we don't often see much about mobile malware on the news, it isn't something most individuals think about. Hopefully even though most people don't think about malware on their phones, security experts will continue to patch the systems whenever a breach is found. Along with this, I believe that there needs to be public policies in place that require mobile platforms to keep new and old devices up-to-date on security patches. I believe that the best way for the general public to get educated on this topic is by going to Google and finding more articles to read on the subject.

