Another Breach....

Article: Source: Deloitte Breach Affected All Company Email, Admin Accounts
By: Brian Krebs
Date Published:September 25, 2017

       In the article written by Brain Krebs, he brings up one of the newer security breaches that has been made public since the Equifax attack. It was recently made aware that at some point, hackers had made it into the Deloitte
system and had gotten a hold of important information. The company states that only a few individuals were affected due to the breach. However, it is also believed that all company emails and accounts were also breached at the same time.
       At the current time, the company and security experts working with the company, are unsure of how the attackers made it into the system, but they started to look into one of its offices in Nashville where "the breach is thought to have begun." After the incident, the company has brought in extra cyber-security experts to try to keep this from happening again.
       I personally do not believe that companies really have our best interests in place, as hackers improve their ways and everyone trying to keep them out continues to use old or outdated programs. After learning about behavior based anti-virus systems, I feel that companies like Deloitte and Equifax need to keep working with these systems along with older more traditional systems to keep hackers at bay. Not only do the companies need to take charge of how they are protecting data, the United States government also needs to step in and place laws that everyone has to abide by. Other countries have started to implement such laws. However, in the US, it is up to each individual state to create its own set of laws and regulations.
       The general public needs to know that their information is being protected, and right now, after all the recent data breaches, it is hard for anyone to believe their information is safe. Until the public can trust companies that store our information, individuals need to keep a close eye out for anything suspicious happening. I fully believe that the government needs to step in and create laws that companies must follow in order to protect data. As computer security experts continue to work to keep everything safe, the public needs to keep alert for any updates an anti-virus system may put out to the public.

