Equifax Data Breach

Article: Equifax Data Breach Prompts Falls for Tougher Security Requirements On Data Aggregators
By: Jai Vijayan
Date Published: 9/8/2017


       In response to the recent data breach at Equifax, one of the three main credit reporting bureaus, Jai Vijayan writes an article for darkreading.com calling for "tougher security requirements on data aggregators." In the breach, it was calculated that over "40% of the US population" or "143 million US consumers" had data that was accessed and exploited by the attackers. For an organization that has gathered everything from our names to Social Security Numbers, the author makes the case that they should be held more responsible and should have worked to secure the data more than what they had done. Jai brings up how "organizations such as Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP)" have spent years looking for security issues with the websites that companies like Equifax use in hopes of getting them to fix the vulnerabilities, yet most of the time, that does not happen. One suggestion that the author gave for keeping this from happening again was to hold organizations financially liable for data breaches and make them "guarantee the security of their products."
       This article really grabbed my attention due to the fact that I had just read about Equifax a few days ago and learned more about them. I fully agree with Jai on the topic that there needs to be more protocols in place to keep such sensitive information from being breached. I did not know before this article that companies like Equifax ignore warnings that their security system has weak spots in it and do not try to fix them right away, especially when they know how sensitive their information they are storing is. Since this is such a large breach of security, most of the public already knows about the breach along with the fact that all their private data constantly gets collected by companies (if not, going to any online news station should catch them up on this current event) such as Equifax and that these companies are not doing their best to make sure this type of attack is never successful. Hopefully, since this was such a large data breach, the government steps in and creates restrictions and puts laws into place to make sure companies are doing all that they can to keep this data secure. Along with more restrictions being put in place, programmers will hopefully keep fixing the weak spots that are found in the security coding.


Image source: http://www.keloland.com/news/article/your-money-matters/getting-up-to-speed-on-the-equifax-data-breach-scandal
